In terms of layout, many web sites are not designed for optimum search engine and directory visibility. People or companies seem so centered on their corporate or personal images, products, and services that they neglect to design their web sites with search engines and directories in mind.
Search engines and directories vary in the way they rank your web site in a search query. Some search engines place primary emphasis on the text within your title tags. Some search engines place emphasis on the main ideas presented in all of your text on a single web page.
Some directories emphasize the text you submitted in their "Description" field. How and where you place your text, both in the copy your visitors see and within the HTML tags your visitors do not see, will affect your ranking.
* Keyword selection
* Keyword placement
* Keyword frequency
* Link and architecture
* Site statistics
Keyword selection
Of primary importance is selecting the best keywords for your industry and the keywords you believe your potential customers will use to find you. Selecting the right keywords requires research.
Look at your company's printed materials. What words do you use over and over? When you speak to new and current customers on the phone, what questions do they frequently ask and what words do they use? Ask your current customers how they would find you on the Internet. Then go to the major search engines and directories. Type in the keywords you want to use. Study the source code of the web sites that appeared in the top 20. Look at how your competitors ranked in a search query. Adjust your keyword selection accordingly.
Keyword placement
Of equal importance is keyword placement on individual pages. The text in your title tag is one the most important elements for ranking well in search engines. The text in your titles should be descriptive, using the words and lingo in your industry, and should accurately reflect the contents of each web page.
For optimum search engine positions, your keywords need to appear at the top of your web pages. Thus, before you design your web page, ask yourself if you (or your web designer) have strategically placed your keywords within your title tags, meta-tags, headings, graphic images, and the first paragraph within your body tag. If not, you might need to rethink your site design.
Keyword frequency
What is important to both the search engines and your target audience is keyword frequency and keyword prominence. Designing and coding your site with keywords in the right locations and the right frequency is an art form. Keywords need to appear frequently on your web pages, but if they appear too frequently, your site will be penalized for word stacking (also known as "spamming the index") or could be removed permanently from the index.
Also, some search engines ignore meta-tags. Thus, if you have included your keywords in your meta-tags but have not placed them elsewhere, you have missed a huge target audience, namely AOL users. Sites with frames have problems being indexed well because there is little opportunity otherwise to include additional text with keywords.
Very, very few web sites can get in the Top 10 of all the major search engines (AltaVista, FAST Search, HotBot, Google, Lycos, Teoma) without spamming. We cannot emphasize this enough: if you hire anyone (a submission service, an individual, an online promotion service, etc.) to do the services we just described, they need to have HTML and design experience, online marketing, and excellent copywriting skills.
You do not want your web site to be permanently banned from a search engine or directory due to ignorance or lack of experience. Furthermore, submission services usually do just that: submit. Many do not perform keyword research, the HTML coding, and copywriting necessary to get a site optimally placed within the search engines. Ask a lot of questions before handing over any money.
Link and site architecture
Placing keywords throughout your web pages is useless as a search engine marketing strategy if the search engine spiders are unable to record the text on your web pages. Therefore, always have link architecture on your site that the search engine spiders can follow. Oftentimes, this means having two forms of navigation on your site: one that your target audience prefers, and one for the search engines.
Site statistics
For the first few months after you have your web site submitted to the major search engines and directories, you should see a jump in traffic. If you look at your site reports with your visitor statistics, which should do frequently, you will see when the search engines spider and index your site.
Hopefully, because you have been thoughtful enough to give potential customers a reason to return to your site again and again, people will bookmark your site, and your web statistics will show an increase in a "No Referrer" category under referral URLs. Your site reports should show you where your potential customers are coming from (i.e. which search engine or directory they used to find you) and which keywords they used to find you.
After your site has listed in the search engines and directories for a few months, review your site statistics and determine where the majority of your traffic comes from. Then focus your advertising efforts on those directories and search engines. You get better sales from targeted marketing than from spreading your net too wide.
One client did exactly what we recommended, from keyword selection to monitoring site statistics. They found most of their sites referral traffic came from Yahoo queries. They bought banner space from Yahoo for two months. Whenever two of their keywords were typed in a search query, their banner would appear. Their traffic increased over 500%, and their sales reached five figures per month.
Lastly, the saying "Content is King" still rings true. You can increase traffic to your web site, but if (1) people do not like what they see, (2) you do not offer potential customers what they want to buy, or (3) you do not give customers incentive to stay and/or bookmark your site, they will click off of your web site as quickly as they clicked on to it.
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Monday, June 1, 2009
Designing Sites for Search Engines and Directories
Choosing a Domain Name for SEO and Branding
Disposable Domains vs. Permanent Domains
If you’re an affiliate marketer trying to make quick bucks selling acai supplements for weight loss, a domain such as would probably fit the bill. Such a domain is considered a disposable or throwaway domain. You probably aren’t planning to use it for an extended period so making brand-building considerations isn’t really necessary.
If you have a permanent domain name that is an integral part of your larger brand-building efforts, you should use something that is easy to remember, distinctive, and credible-sounding. Your friends and webmasters would probably feel embarrassed linking out to a website with a domain such as Remember that you will have site visitors coming from several sources, not just search engines. A site domain that doesn’t look trashy is far more likely to get linked to on social media sites and beyond. Moreover, a site domain that is easy to remember will allow you to enjoy the advantages of word of mouth and score more return visitors.
Tips for Choosing a Brand-Worthy Domain Name
Great domain names are becoming scarce these days. That’s why when you get your hands on one it becomes an asset. So what defines brand anyway? A brand consists of experiences and associations that are connected to a person, company, or service. Think of a big brand like Nike for example. What do you associate Nike with? Perhaps you think of athleticism, victory, and self-confidence.
Nike has successfully built a respectable brand image over the years. But what about small businesses who don’t have millions of dollars to spend building brand image? The little guys can come up with a memorable domain name through the soft branding technique, which consists of tweaking a concept already in existence rather than coming up with a completely “meaningless” name to represent your brand.
Hotmail is an example of soft branding since people already understand the concept of “mail.” is an example of a “meaningless” domain name. People now associate the name Google with innovation, the future, and technology but when Google got its start, its name was little more than gibberish to most.
SEO Considerations when Choosing Domain Names
Some argue that it’s best to use a generic domain name that includes a target keyword because people are more likely to click on a URL that matches their search term. There is evidence which suggests that Google takes this factor into consideration when weighing the value of a website but different SEOs seem to have different opinions on the matter.
It can be difficult to include target keywords in your domain name if you want a brand-worthy domain that is unique and catchy. If you find that adding a target keyword would conflict with your domain name’s brand-building efforts, consider adding a byline. A byline describes what you do and contains your target keywords. Bylines become an important part of your brand as well. For example, if you sell curtains but your domain name is, you could add a byline that says, “Window treatments in Philadelphia,” to give more details about your service.
Now that you are armed with this information, explore your options carefully when deciding on a domain name for your website. If you are looking to build a permanent domain that reflects your brand, by all means avoid cringe-worthy, hyphenated URLs and brainstorm to come up with something worthy of building your brand image upon. The key to success is coming up with a domain name that is memorable and distinctive and if possible, a name that hints at what product or service you offer.
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Build Your Email List Using Social Media: 8 Surefire Ways
Two big components of effective marketing are reach and frequency. Reach refers to the number of people you reach with your message; while frequency refers to the number of times each person is reached on average. Frequency builds trust and drives your particular message home.
More people than ever are using social media tools so more of your target market is reachable there today than even just a few short months ago. Take advantage of these top ways to add subscribers when using social media sites so that you can begin communicating regularly with more potential clients and customers.
1) Create an effective profile.
What do I mean by effective? Use a real photo of yourself and your real name. Include your location and a good bio–complete, up-to-date and with all contact information.
2) Offer events.
A great way to add targeted subscribers is to hold an event such as a teleclass. Invite your followers and friends and direct them to a sign-up page specifically for the event. Let them know that in addition to signing up for whatever the event is, they will also receive a complimentary subscription to your e-zine or other valuable information.
3) Join a Ning network or create your own.
Ning is a platform which allows people to create their own social networks online. Anyone can create a network for free around a specific interest. This is a great tool for getting in front of your niche or target market.
4) Sync your newsletter broadcasts with Twitter.
If you use an email list service such as AWeber, you have the option to automatically tweet a link to your newsletter when the broadcast is sent out. Just choose Syndicate and Twitter Update.
5) Place an opt-in box on your Facebook profile.
This is something I explain how to do in detail in my free e-course. The Profile HTML application in Facebook allows you to add your opt-in box for collecting names and emails very easily. This way you can capture new subscribers right from your profile.
6) Use social bookmarking sites.
Social bookmarking is a way for internet users to search, organize and store bookmarks of web pages. Have a way for readers to submit posts they enjoy to bookmarking sites (Digg, Delicious, StumbleUpon, etc.) right from your blog. This is a nice way to drive traffic to your site when others come across your bookmarked site.
7) Feed your blog posts to sites automatically.
Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn all have tools that will post your latest blog posts on their sites as soon as they are published. This keeps you consistently on others radars.
Be helpful and participate often. The best advice I can give for spending time on social sites is to give, give, give. You do not have to spend exorbitant amounts of time there, but when you do use them, offer suggestions, advice and tips. Create conversation as well as join it. People will get to know you this way and want to seek out more information about you.
Take action on several of these tips as soon as you can. It has never been simpler and more fun to build your list online than it is now!
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5 Content Creation Tips For Your Blog
One of the biggest problems with blogging is to be able to create content consistently that is both useful and helpful. So I am going to share with you some tips for creating content on hot topics your market will find both useful and helpful.
Market Related Forums
Busy forums related to your target market are an absolute gem of a place to find information to write articles on for 2 reasons.
Before I tell you why I must point out the word BUSY, you should be gathering a list of popular forums within your niche anyway because they are useful for so many reasons. Don’t waste your time with forums that aren’t regularly posted to, I would say a free public forum should be updated hourly at the most any longer than that don’t bother.
Back to the 2 reasons, first a popular forum will be full of posts asking How do I …..? or Does anyone know how to….? type questions this tells you what your market wants to know about. Second knowledgable people in your market will make helpful posts and from the feedback/ replies of the other users in the forum you will be able to see what are the hot topics.
If you can’t get article/ post ideas from the popular forums in your market then there is seriously something wrong.
Other Blogs
As I mentioned in the forums section above you should be gathering a list of the top blogs targeting your market. Not just for competitive reasons but also for ideas on what works in your niche.
Other blogs can give you an indication of what is hot in your market. This is especially useful if the niche you’re in, is something you’re not personally interested in, which by the way is something I would advise against for your first blog.
Article Directories
Article directories are another golden source of information for ideas. The thing you should be looking for here is what articles are being read the most. The top directories like will tell you the most read and downloaded articles in your category.
This will tell you what topics are hot in your market and they can help you learn how to write a good and informative article.
Google Alerts
Google being the smartest search engine in the world from a marketing/ webmaster point of view has a utility called Google Alerts.
If you’re not taking advantage of this great little tool or worse haven’t even heard of it I suggest you get yourself over to (URL) after reading this article and find out more.
Google alerts will send you an email with links to stories for keywords you specify on a hourly or daily basis, this is so useful because the quicker you react to big news in your market by publishing a post on your blog the more likely your traffic will increase and your visitors will come to you because you’re “in the know” giving you expert status (priceless).
PLR Content
Last we have PLR content or Private Label Rights content. I love PLR because I am not a natural writer, actually I hate writing which can be a big disadvantage on the internet.
PLR is great because you can have pre written articles or ebooks that you can put in your own voice. Granted a lot of PLR is questionable quality BUT I would rather have something to start with rather than a blank notepad file.
You can then put in your own voice and do your research to better the quality which to me is fantastic.
I hope these tips have helped you see how you can get an endless supply of ideas for updating your blog consistenly with quality content your visitors will find both useful and helpful.
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Article Marketing and Making Money Online
In fact article marketing techniques can be used as your sole advertising medium, although best results are obtained by combining it with other means of attracting visitors to your website. Nevertheless, many people without websites are even now making money using only articles to advertise affiliate products.
Articles Generate Links
Generally, though, articles are used online to generate links back to your website, although there are some article directories on which your articles will be read if they are good enough. The majority of directories do not get read, but there are those that can provide you with a steady supply of visitors, and that can be used as a major source of advertising, if not the only source. The benefit of these back-links is that it boosts the popularity of your website in the eyes of Google, and if there is one thing that Google likes, it is popularity.
In spite of this, most people write articles hoping that enough readers will click on the URL provided in their resource to enable them to make a decent living. Such results rarely happen, and although articles can be used as the prime method of traffic generation, they should not be regarded as the only method.
Construct Your Article Properly
However prominently article marketing is in your sales drive or product promotion strategy, you cannot just write any old article and expect visitors to flock to your website. Your article has to be readable, and has to make the reader want to learn more from you. That means constructing your article in a specific way that is easier to write about than to achieve on paper (or screen).
First, it should be written in short chunks: small paragraphs of four or five sentences, and bulleted where appropriately. Online readers will not read large tracts of text as they would were they reading a book. They want their information in short chunks. In fact most online readers tend to scan, seeking something that catches their eye. So write that way, and try to catch their eye with something good. If you know how to write articles, then you can make them work.
First the Problem - Then the Solution
Present them with a problem and a potential solution, then offer that solution in your resource. Alternatively, write a two part article. Make the first part compellingly interesting, and then offer the second part to them on your website. Then offer it on a squeeze page in exchange for their email address, and once the have done that send them to your sales page for their first view of your product.
People take on average 7 views of a product before reaching the purchase decision, so make sure they get them. You won’t do that without their email address, so write your article with that in mind. You are unlikely to make a sale first time, and if they get away without leaving a contact email address, then you are unlikely to ever see them again.
Write your articles so as to offer a potential benefit. For example a solution to the problem you have just told them that they have, or tell them how to save money or time simply clicking on your link. Offer them a free product in your resource to persuade them to make that all-important click. Making money online often involves giving something away first.
Article Marketing is More than Writing
It’s not the article marketing that makes you money, it’s whether or not people read your articles, and then whether or not they click on your link. Until they do that they might as well be a million miles away because you are not going to sell to anybody that doesn’t click on your article resource link.
That is why article marketing is more than just writing articles: it’s designing them properly to keep people reading, and providing a compelling resource to force that click. Then you might have a chance of making money online.
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